Thursday 7 March 2013

Lok Garden (乐园) @ Batu Lintang

CRAB CRAVE!!! I do not know why I kept craving for crabs when I was in Penang. Every time I'm home, I would be hunting for crabs. Remember my last visit, I was enjoying my 2 kgs crabs at L&L Seafood, Pending. Intended to go back to L&L, but dad suggested to Batu Lintang Night Hawker Centre. There are a number of food stalls and we stopped at Lok Garden (乐园) as we'd been there before and look at the crowd below. Normally big crowd signifies good things, right?

Complimentary keropok before dishes were served
1st Dish: Bidin stir-fried in sambal belacan and chili. Must try dish when you eat out in Sarawak.
Curry Bamboo Clams
Fried Oysters. Limited oysters :(
Butter crabs. The deep-fried type. Prefer crabs to be cooked in sauce. 
Nan-Ru (Fermented Soyan Bean Curd) Pork Belly. Best dish among all. 
If you do not like oily food, you may not like it here. The dishes were quite oily, which means high calories. Our dinner for the night costed ~RM120.

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