Wednesday 6 March 2013

Coffee O' Corner Breakfast Combo

Had a real long Christmas break back in 2012 due to company shutdown. And I only start blogging about this now. Imagine that~ There's only a flight daily from Penang to Kuching, which is in the early morning at 7am. This is great for me as I longed to go home. :) Reaching Kuching in 2 hours made my tummy go growling.. Straight away, we headed to Coffee O' Corner for breakfast! I had planned out and scheduled my food hunting journey in Kuching for the long holiday. 
Mee Goreng. 
Mee Jawa Special (RM5). Not to be missed! 
Roti Mayonnaise Daging. Being as one of the specialties in Coffee O' Corner, this is a popular dish among folks. Attracted by its appearance and seeing continuous orders by other tables, we also get ourselves a plate to try. 
Some meat and onions were wrapped in the egg omelette and nicely decorated with tomato, chili, mayonnaise and sweet sauces. 
Previous blog on Coffee O' Corner

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