Wednesday 15 August 2012

10 Days in Singapore

There's nothing very interesting during my recent trip to Sg, but it's definitely a "fattening" one. I spent quite some time travelling alone by bus & MRT to my destinations, swimming, visiting some places, but most of my time was spent on feasting.

Taken in bus :)
Reasons for gaining weight:
1. My aunt likes to order a lot of food when we go our for meals.
2. They have a maid who is good in cooking. e.g.:
Soft tofu topped with mushrooms. Don't they looked like those dishes served in restaurants?
3. The main reason is: I just couldn't resist all those good food~ Slurp~~ tongue

Well.. I did enjoy some nice foods there. I managed to try out different cuisines such as western food in The Prime Society at Dempsey Road, where I had my chance to try out the Wagyu Steak for the first time. The difference between a Wagyu Steak and the normal beef is that the meat is more tender and has more flavor. They also provided some seasonings' choices for customers to add to the beef. After the main course, we also ordered some desserts. I forgotten what was the name, but it's very sweet. It's definitely an expensive dinner, but the foods were below expectation.
Premium Quality Grade Wagyu Steak ($52)

We also visited Shin Kushiya at VivoCity for a Japanese dinner. The food was nice. We had lots of salmons. I JUST LOVE SALMONS! My uncle also ordered a beef teppanyaki which was well cooked. We had prawn tempuras, tuna and some kushiyaki (grilled stuffs) like grilled bacon wrapped mushrooms and scallops. I also ordered a Chawan Mushi. There's lots of ingredients inside. Yummy! I only managed to capture the picture of my Chawan Mushi because my aunt's family was completely indulged in the food once the food was served.
Chawan Mushi
I also tried some of the local Singaporean hawker foods. The Singapore Laksa is completely different from what we have in Kuching. It has more to a curry taste and instead of having sliced meat, prawns and sambal, Singapore Laksa is served with fish balls, tofu pok etc. I definitely still prefer Kuching Laksa tongue. The Kueh Chap I had was quite good. The taste is similar to what we have in Kuching, but the way of serving is different. We had a bowl of Kueh per person and the meats and eggs are served separately to be shared with all. The gravies used for the Kueh and meats were different. Unlike in Kuching, everything is mixed in a bowl and served.
Singapore Laksa

Kueh Chap
I had hell lots of cakes and ice creams too..

Coffee Cake from Bengawan Solo
Mud Pie Ice Cream Cake from Island Creamery (Why don't we have this in Kuching??) 
Chocolate Fudge Cake from O'Briens
Red Ruby (never fail to miss when I visit Sg) 
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream 

Magnum Limoncella
Magnum White 
Magnum Classic

During my visit, I also meet up with my friend in Sg. She was so nice to bring me around Bugis Street and Junction. We met up at the Bugis MRT Station and she took me for lunch at the Bugis Mall. There's a lot of Japanese food outlets there and we just dropped by a crowded stall for Ramen. I was so full and really have to thank her for buying me this expensive meal.

Tonkotsu Ramen at Bugis Mall Japanese Food Court 
Besides from all these delicious outside food, I also had some heavy but satisfying home made food. We had salmon for western dinner.
My aunt also invited her ex-neighbor's family to her place for dinner.  

I also had crab from the food stall just down the street of my aunt's place. One crab was enough to be shared by 5 people, so imagine how fleshy and big was the crab. The taste was just so so (maybe coz it's already cold). However, I would like to have more! I'm a crab lover! ^_^

Butter Salted Egg Crab
Had some healthy snacks as well.. FRUITS~ Mangoes, grapes, kiwis, strawberries, bananas and of cos, cherries.. After my first bite of cherries, I fell in love with it..  I never know that cherries taste so good coz what I had before are those topped on cakes. Just found out those topped on cakes are called maraschino cherries. They may look nice, but the taste..... AWFUL! Compare the fresh ones and maraschino cherries. 
What I can say is: Don't judge the book by its cover~~
I also did not fail to buy one box back to Kuching for my parents.

Maraschino Cherries
Sweet and Fresh Cherries

My cuz and I also used some cherries to make cupcakes which we served these to our guests. I know they don't look that good, but the taste was still acceptable.. Hehe..
Black Forest Cupcakes
Visited Cathay Cineplex with my cuz for movie as well. We watched Total Recall and bought popcorn as well. My cuz had the salty ones, whereas I got myself the sweet caramel popcorn. I finished the whole packet. So filling and full that I did not have much for dinner at home after that. 
That's not the end of trip. My aunt's family also brought me to the new park in Singapore: Gardens by the Bay. We did not enter those conservatories as the queue to purchase the tickets was too long, but we managed to get on the SkyWay which was constructed by linking those Supertrees. I surely got tanned during this walk. Imagine walking in the garden during noon.. =.=
My cuz and me with Supertrees behind

Cousins having similar heights.. Haha..

Supertrees + SkyWay

View of Marina Bay Sands at the Skyway

Me with sunglasses and cap on.. So HOT!!
 We also visited the Sentosa Beach on one of the weekends. Luckily it's in the evening when it's not that hot..
Entrance of Sentosa

Sand sculpture

FoodSingapore, PlayTravel