Saturday 18 August 2012

Western meal at home

During my visit to Singapore, my aunt suggested that we should have western cuisine for dinner at home during one weekend. My aunt prepared Mango Smoked Duck Salad as our appetizer and her maid pan-fried Salmon as our main course. 

So, after I'm back to Kuching, I decided to try cooking western food for my family too. At first, I searched up the recipes needed. I'm a health conscious person, so the recipes I used were of lower calories.
Mushroom Sauce

Mashed Potatoes
Tadaa.. My home cooked western meal comprising of pan-fried salmon, mashed potatoes and roasted cauliflower. 

Three sets prepared. Well.. As you can see below, there's an extra piece of lamb, which was for my dad to fill his stomach..

YEAH! My parents complimented on my cooking as this was my first time cooking western food. I had a very filling dinner as I took a lot of the mashed potatoes. Going to try out other types of western cuisine next time. ^^