Thursday 2 August 2012

End of Winter Sem

Finally, we had finished our degree, but we can only graduate in October. To reward ourselves, we planned for an outing. We intended to go for BCCK Ramadhan Buffet, but due to my sick tummy, we had to change to something lighter. In the end, we decided to go for Bella Italia. I like the Carbonara Spaghetti there, but decided to try out something else. I had Beef Lasagna and spaghetti with salmon. I forgotten the name of the spaghetti, but it's sauteed with chili and black olives. Don't quite like it, but I enjoyed the lasagna. Yummy!

Beef Lasagna

Spaghetti with Salmon
My friends also ordered some pizzas and meaty dishes. I was told that the Lamb Shank tasted quite good.

Lamb Shank

Food, Bella Italia, Kuching, Western