Saturday 26 July 2014

Melaka Food Hunt #9: Jonker Street

After all the non-stop eating journey, we decided to walk our way to Jonker Street from Capitol Satay Celup. Burn some calories yea~
Melaka's Old Street. Somehow looks like Kuching's Carpenter Street. Heritage feel~~
Finally got to the busy Jonker Street. Someone was thirsty~~
The crowd was no joke!
Some classic entertainment probably.
Toys for sale
Kuih. We bought the Ondeh-ondeh which looked so tempting and planned to have it later. Being too full, we totally forgotten about it and only realized that it was spoilt the next morning. Sad :(

We tried out this Fruit Tea. Not bad.
If I wasn't that full, I would have tried this.
Very tempting grilled Sotong.

The famous Jonker 88 for Malacca's Cendol.
Cendol with lots of Gula Melaka.
I got myself the Durian Cendol. Preferred the original flavor thou.
Other local foods and snacks available.

Taste Better's Durian Puff. So yummy! Generous filling of durian-flavored cream and durian meats could be tasted as well.
It's getting dark!
Geographer Cafe
Christine EE, just opposite Geographer Cafe situated on the small alley. Selling very good pineapple tarts!
Whoa~ Hot steaming dim sums~~ Slurpps~~~ If we were not so full~~~ 

They just couldn't resist 臭豆腐 Stinky Tofu. They claimed that it was good. I did not try. Just too full~
Could only tried this Egg-shaped Ice Cream. Got myself the Yam Flavor. Yummeh~~ Excuse me for my sweaty oily face cos it's really that hot! I'm one person who usually do not sweat that much.
Find this very nice!
Lots of this beautiful lightened flower trishaw! Happy family! So random! Haha!
Oh~ Now just then I realize this is Cheng Ho's ship. Haha!
Walking back to our parking spot. Spotted this Orang Utan Mural. Does it look like one?? LOL!
It was approximately 10pm, so we missed our chance to Menara Taming Sari.. Stuck in the crazy Melaka jam later in the night. Had fun in the car thou.

How we spent our time in Melaka!!! Great moments just passed so fast!

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