Friday 25 July 2014

Melaka Food Hunt #8: Capitol Satay Celup

Initially planned to go to Menara Taming Sari to enjoy the view of Melaka up ahead in the sky, but when we came across Capitol Satay Celup, we eventually spotted people started queing. I tot it stated that business starts at 5pm?? Seemed like it started earlier. Probably cos it's on weekend. So, to avoid longer queues later in the evening, we hopped down and follow the trend since we already planned to have it later.

Look at the queue! We were quite up ahead thou.
Looking at how people enjoy their meal.
I must say it was very very hot and sweaty evening. 
After a long wait of 1 hr despite that we were quite ahead of the queue, we finally got a spot.

All the foods we could enjoy for just RM1 each. 
Some of what we took.
Preparing the satay sauce for us. Adding all their special ingredients to yield a very rich satay sauce. They add the sauce from time to time when it is running out.

Dipping our foods into the prepared satay sauce. It's like having steamboat in satay sauce instead of the normal broth we usually have.
Frankly speaking, we all think that Kuching's Lok-Lok tasted much better and there's no need to wait.

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