Monday 26 May 2014

KL Food Hunt #5: Sungei Wang Hotel Middle East Restaurant

It was raining while we enjoyed our cakes at Tous Le Jours. Wanted to get some supper snacks at Jalan Alor, but was terrified by the heavy rain. So, we took our relaxing stroll back to our hotel. Just as we passed by the Middle East Restaurant of Sungei Wang Hotel, was attracted to the on-the-spot kebab selling and George said it was good, so I gave it a try. At the same time, they suggested why not having supper in the restaurant, trying out some Middle Eastern food. 
Chicken Kebab which I enjoyed a lot. Love the popiah-like skin. :D
Mix Platter Set which we shared out. Some were delicious, 1 or 2 was not favorable. Wraps were given for free to go with these meats.
Our supper including drinks costed abt RM100.

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