Saturday 19 April 2014

Chai Seafood, Pending

We are regular customer to L&L Seafood, but not to Chai Seafood. We'd been here once before as we spotted ppl's recommendation. Chai Seafood is also another seafood restaurant at Pending Seafood Centre with a reasonable crowd. We were here quite early to avoid long waiting time as there was a big crowd during our last visit.
It's been a long time we did not step to this place. Renovated! Cleaner of cos.
Coconut drinks from next door
Midin (Fiddlehead ferns) with Sambal Belacan
Claypot Yam Fish Head. Their signature dish! Really tasty!!
Crabs with Salted Egg. Not the creamy type thou. L&L's version is better!
Well~ The food was ok. We would only come back whenever we crave for the Claypot Yam Fish.

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