Tuesday 1 April 2014

A night at Muara Tebas for Birthday Celebration

This was the official birthday night of Eileen's birthday! She treated us to Muara Tebas 青山 for seafood dinner. There are 2 seafood restaurants there, named Lim Yong Seng Seafood and Sin Soon Lee Seafood. We used to dine in Lim Yong Seng, and Eileen chose to dine in the latter. As a matter of fact, both are good. It's a surprising case that 2 Chinese restaurants manage to survive really well in this kampung area where there are really small population of Chinese. Yet, their businesses are really good. People from Kuching like us purposely drove this far (abt 1 hr drive) for their seafood. After Eileen was done with the ordering, we waited for I think more than an hour for our food. There wasn't many tables eating thou.
Deep Fried Chicken
Deep Fried Squids
Salted Ginger Prawns
Water Spinach Stir-fried in Belacan
Cangkuk Manis Stir-fried with Egg
Bamboo Clams Stir-fried with Curry Powder
Oyster Omelette
 All the dishes were tasty. The problem was the waiting time. We had to wait for some time for the next dish to be served and we were all terribly hungry. :X
Nevertheless, we ended our dinner happily with cake! :D


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