Monday 31 March 2014

Eileen's Birthday Surprise @ Portico Restaurant

Eileen's birthday was around the corner and we had plan ahead. She was told by Joe to have dinner with her and we were there to surprise her! Hehe~ After discussing some surprising strategies, we decided to have this happy occasion at the new restaurant in town - Portico. Waiting anxiously for the arrival of Eileen and tadaa~ we appeared with a slice of birthday cake! Haha~~
Smiling sweetly
Photo first before eating
Done with the birthday wishing, we were ready for food ordering and makan-makan!
They have 2 sizes of drinks: Normal (left) and Jumbo (right)

We had the Pizza Meal 1 (RM28.90) in which comes with 1 choice of pizza, 2 mushroom soups and 2 glasses of drinks.
Mushroom Soup. Not too bad.
Deluxe Pizza (which we had to top up RM2 upon RM28.90 for this choice of pizza). It's a combination of Parmesan and Mozarella Cheese on tomato pizza sauce & garnished with parsley. The cheese used wasn't very rich which I would like it to be thou.
Grilled Chicken Chop (RM18.00). Chicken thigh served with cheesy mushroom or black pepper sauce.
We had the cheesy mushroom sauce. The sauce was rather bland.
Aurora Chicken Chop (RM25). Chicken thigh deep-fried, served with onion rings, green salad and pineapple.
Roasted Chicken (RM18). Served on top of mashed potatoes, the roasted chicken was kinda small. Tasted nice, but would prefer if it's not placed directly on top of the mashed potatoes.
Seafood Fried Rice (RM10-small). Served with mussels and stir-fried with prawns and squids, we must say this was their best dish among all. Very fragrant and tasty!
Baked Creamy Cheese Macaroni (RM25). Wanted something really cheesy, so ordered this. It's baked macaroni with chicken meat, mushrooms, topped with Mozarella cheese and cheese powder. Not cheesy pun.. :(
The food was not very satisfying, but neither too bad. Worth-trying thou. They have Foie Gras too, which I'm gonna try some day. :D

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