Wednesday 17 April 2013

Penang Food Hunt #24 @ Hainanese Satay, Bangkok Lane

Selling pork satay for decades, this uncle called as Uncle Aun marinades his pork satays in Hainanese way. In Kuching, satay is only available at night, but Uncle Aun sells satay for breakfast. Located just opposite the famous Seng Lee Coffee Shop selling mee goreng, people just normally dine there and order the satays which would be sent over by the auntie. We did the same and anticipated! :D

Hainanese Satay with toasts. A minimum order of 10 satay was required. We ordered the grilled toasts which seemed very tempting as well. Frankly speaking, I think that the toasts here was better than Toh Soon Cafe.

Real bits of pork meat! Yummy 3 layer pork! I wonder are all Hainanese satay meant to be like this or just Uncle Aun's? What we had in Kuching are just minced pork. Tasted salty. Prefer Kuching's version of sweet BBQ satay. However, the meat texture was definitely way way better!!

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