Thursday 28 February 2013

Chap Goh Meh Feast

Chap Goh Meh is the 15th day in the lunar calender, signifying the last day of the Chinese New Year celebration. On this particular day, many Chinese families would enjoy and feast as in CNY eve. My family is not an exception and we eventually had a greater dinner than what we had back then. Our initial plan was to have a total of 6 dishes. In the end, we had a total of 9 dishes. Well~~ I played my part in serving 2 dishes for the dinner.
Yam Rice. I was fascinated by the famous Yam Rice back in Penang and so, I looked up for the recipe in the net and tried it out. Besides from yam, I added dried shrimps and mushrooms for better taste. Pandan leaves were used along to give the rice the sweet fragrant smell. Smelling great, but taste just ok. Would be if the dried shrimps were diced and the yam was mashed. 
Mashed Potatoes. As requested by mum, I prepared this western side dish to be served along with all those Chinese food. LOL! I also made Mushroom Sauce to accompany with this dish.
Beef Ribs Stew Soup. Highly complimented dish! Stewed for really long hours...
Assam Fish. YUMMY!!! I could finish the whole fish if I want to!
Oven-baked Chicken. Tasted just like Kenny Roger's! :P I'm not boasting. Even the breast meat was so juicy.
Broccoli with Abalone Slices. Good!
Mixed Vege
Sweet and Spicy Pork Leg. Recipe passed down from my grandma.

No chance to be on diet during CNY~~~

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