Friday 23 November 2012

T.G.I. Friday 50% off!!

It's not Friday, but ChasWood Resources was offering 50% off for all foods on 21 November (Wednesday) at all the food outlets under them, which includes T.G.I Friday! I always hear of this place, but never set foot into it. When I told my colleagues about the promotion, they were also very interested, so we just went there for lunch at Queensbay Mall and also with the intention of getting some stuff for our exhibition. 

When we reached, we were informed that they were fully booked despite that the restaurant is so big, but they still managed to allocate a place for us. After looking up and down of the menu, finally decided on my food. 

Tadaa~~ Southwest Mac and Cheese!!
Southwest Mac & Cheese (RM26.90). A juicy fire-grilled chicken breast served with creamy Monterey Jack, jalapenos, penne and cheese, then finished with shredded Parmesan cheese and diced red peppers.
Look at the creamy Monterey Jack cheese flowing on the plate!. The macaroni was baked with cheese which made the shredded Parmesan Cheese on top crunchy and crispy on the first bite, followed by the oozing Monterey Jack Cheese inside the macaroni. Extremely GOOD!! 
Although chicken breast was served, it was not dry. Instead, it was so juicy and tender. The chicken was very well-marinated and it was eaten best with the diced red peppers on top!

Last but not least, we had the Brownie Obsession for our dessert.
Brownie Obsession (RM15.90). The brownie was served along with vanilla ice cream and touched up with some caramel syrup. The brownie tasted like it had embedded chocolate in between. So rich and chocolaty!! The cooling vanilla ice cream topped on the brownies tasted awesome together with the brownie, perfecting the dessert! 
Imagine we were having all these yummy foods at a discounted price of 50%. :D

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