Monday 19 November 2012

Penang BBQ Steamboat @ 淦火锅, Golden BBQ Steamboat

My first attempt for BBQ Steamboat in Penang. Thanks to Wen Yin and her family for buying me this meal. <3 淦火锅 is located in Georgetown, which I would never go there alone. I'm not quite sure about the exact location, but it's on some old shop lots and you would have to seek for it around the small routes. 
They have two shop lots  but then the place is still quite small, so they set up their seats outside. Hopefully it doesn't rain when you are in the middle of your meal.
Next to Little Shanghai. This would make it easier to be spotted when you enter the lorong.

Our tables. Already got some food stuff even though the cooking pot was not ready yet. :p
Ingredients available:

I love the pandan chicken. Hee..

Prawn mee was also served. 
Ice Creams! For your information, I took 5 sticks of ice creams after my dinner. 

Besides from these, they had satays, fried wantons and other deep fried food which came afterwards. I was too busy eating, so did not manage to capture the pics. :D
Fruits and desserts
I had a great dinner. Very very very full!! My stomach expanded like 5 times after the dinner. :-O

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