Thursday 16 April 2015

Taiwan Day 2

Actually planned to get up as early as 630am, but ended up 1 hr later as we were both exhausted. Haha..

From Ximen Station to XinBeiTou Station.

XinBeiTou 新北投
Arriving at XinBeiTou Station.

Beitou Library 北投圖書館

Beitou Hot Spring Museum 北投溫泉博物館. Wanted to enter, but were required to take off our shoes, so never mind, we shall just enjoy the view from outside.

Plenty of artists crafting the beautiful scenery.

♫ Musical performance ♫

Beitou Geothermal Valley地熱谷
It was warm here despite the cold weather. Strong sulphuric smell as well, but the view was stunning, isnt't it? Smokey fumes could be observed~

Thanks to GoPro, we could get wide angle selfie pics easily! :D

To experience hot springs culture, there are plenty of baths; outdoor or indoor, high-class hotel or tub, private or public available. Of cos, price differs as well. We went to a pleasant hotel which costed us about NTD799 per hour. Our package includes a private room for clothes exchanging with a bathroom attached. Soap and bathing foams were also provided. The spring water was freaking hot. Soaked for about 20mins only as it was not advisable to soak for too long. To get ready after bathing, the 1 hour time limit was almost up as well. 

Man Ke Wu Ramen 满客屋拉面
Climbing further up the hill, you would catch this Ramen shop, selling Hot Spring Ramen. Used to be known as Man Ke Lai Hot Spring Ramen 滿來溫泉拉麵. The shop was rather small, visitors were a lot, but luckily turnover was quite fast. 
正油叉燒拉麵 (NTD120). Seriously this was the best ramen I had!

Side dishes of Fish Eggs 鱼卵 (NTD150) and Hot Spring Eggs 温泉蛋 (NTD25). Superb.

Zhong Xiao Dong Lu 忠孝东路
Dropped off at Zhongshan Station and walked our way to search for 肥前屋
A long queue~ We joined in and manage to get our spot after an hour later.

Unagi Don! Everyone's here for this!

Tamago as a side.
Took a walk at the famous shopping street, 忠孝东路 and of cos our food hunting journey never stop.

Dropping by at 東區粉圓 for some sweet treats.
GongGuan 公馆
We headed to Gong Guan next to hunt for sneakers. There was the night market there with lots of street foods as well, but we took a very heavy dinner at Mala Spicy Hot Pot馬辣頂級麻辣鴛鴦火鍋. It was a good meal with lots of quality foods and also good ice creams. :D

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