Friday 15 August 2014

Up! in Penang Hill

Well... It can't be just all about eating in Penang. Decided to visit Penang Hill to pass time. :D
Got there around 11.. Wasn't easy to find parking thou. Parked quite far and had to walk our way there. Sweating madly.. 

Hell lot of people. Took quite some time for the queue. Nvm.. We have plenty of time. 


Finally it's our turn to hop onto the train!

Up we go! *feeling excited* 

Reached to the top. It was a bit gloomy that day.

View of Penang Island from Penang Hill! 

More to see up ahead. 

Got myself some chickpeas from this stall.

There's also police station here.

Nice place to enjoy nature.

Love locks! Not only available in Paris ya~

Sorry about my frowning face. It was really bright that I could hardly open my eyes.

Catching their spots on the first train used years back.

My turn~~~ Getting into the first class seat~

Ivy was getting her artistic tatoo.

Quite nice.. They were really good and fast at it. 

That's about it on our trip to Penang Hill. Had to head down for lunch! 

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