Thursday 17 July 2014

Melaka Food Hunt #4: Chung Wah Hainanese Chicken Rice

As shown in my previous post, the queue for the chicken rice balls was so long. Luckily the turnover was fast, it took just about 40mins of waiting time to our turn.

Homemade special chilli sauce for the chicken. Nice! Seemed that food around Melaka are always served with very good homemade sauce.

Served with 5 round chewy chicken rice balls per person. Frankly speaking, wasn't that fascinated as we could get better tasting and more fragrant rice in Kuching. What makes it special is that it's sticky and chewy.

2 plates of this chicken meats portions for 7 persons. The steamed chicken was quite good thou.

Extra chicken innards - liver, kidney, intestine and heart pieces.

Despite of its popularity, the owner did not raise their price, but maintaining standard chicken rice rate.

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