Sunday 6 July 2014

Melaka Food Hunt #2: Longkang Siham, Jalan Bunga Raya

Dinner time! It was taking us a hard time searching for this famous alley for some seafoods like lala, snails, clams and so on. We actually turned around this corner a couple of times (in car of cos) and kept missing it cos it was so hidden. Finally spotted by those sharp-eyed guys, we grabbed a parking space nearby and walked our way to the back alley. There were eventually 2 stores selling these Siham stuffs. Both were crowded, but we just grab our spot at the one named Capitol.  
See how people just sat there and enjoyed their foods beside the longkang. We were kind of hesitated and everyone actually frowned in having foods here, but since we were here and many (including our Melaka friends said we must try this! It's really good!) recommended this, so no more thinking and let's grab a seat. 

Got a table and waiting for the clean up.

Very tempting-looking Sotong!

Everyone seemed happy? But actually not very pleased with the smell and environment.

Price List

Lots of fresh cockles

Their specially homemade sauce. Delicious!

Different types of seafoods - cockles, snails, clams, lala, mussels - we ordered at RM2 per plate. So cheap. 

Sotong Engkung (RM15/18). Yummy dish of sotong mixed with Kangkung (or they call it Engkung here) in sauce and flavorfully topped with grinded peanuts.

Rojak 四宝 (RM15/18). This was really good! Everyone enjoyed this the most and we ordered another plate to satisfy everyone's needs.

Steamed Okra flooded with their sauce (RM2). Good!

Sotong (RM18). Delicious but expensive. Just a small portion costed so much.

 Done with this, we immediately hurried off with our rounded tummies!

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