Friday 27 June 2014

KL Pork Soup @ Home-made Specialties, Petanak Area

Many have been claiming that the Kway Teow T'ng at Home-made Specialties, Petanak area was delicious. Given the name Morgan's KL Pork Mee, it is KL's version of Kway Teow T'ng, meaning with crispy deep fried pork lard! When we got there, we just realized it's next to New Happy Cafe where we purchased the good tasty Yam Puff before. Apart from the pork noodles, there are a couple of other stalls selling different local hawker foods. 
Sio Bee which I think was quite good.
Yam Puff! Crispy on the outside, tasty yam fillings inside.
Ok.. Here came our Kway Teow T'ng with the perfectly cooked egg! With generous amounts of minced pork and pork innards! Different from the one at Spring Delight, this version tasted sweeter. Spring Delight's version was saltier. George prefers Spring Delight's. I'm ok with both. :D

This was mine which I requested for no pork lard. 
Price for this is RM4.50 for regular bowl, RM5.50 for a bigger bowl.

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