Friday 2 May 2014

Salmon Fiesta!!!

Tadadada~~ This was the outcome from filleting an approximately 4kg fresh salmon! We got our fresh salmon supply straight from the wholesale seafood warehouse at Pending. They sell a lot of imported fresh foods including cod fish, prawns, beef and so on. The salmon they supplied was Norwegian Salmon, priced differently according to weight and types (fresh, frozen or fillet).
After getting hold of our fresh Salmon fish, it was sent to JP Mart for the filleting and preparation process. We asked Sanga Japanese Restaurant abt the preparation, but they said it was too rush for them as they had 3 orders upon us. Nevertheless, JP Mart offers a cheaper rate.

After giving them the whole afternoon for preparation, we collected our finished products in the late evening and gathered at Sia Chia's place for the feast!

Closer views of all the salmons:

Pan Fried Salmon Head with Teriyaki Sauce
Pan Fried Salmon Fins and Bones Area with Teriyaki Sauce

Everything was so good and fresh!! Loving it!! They returned us the Salmon Skin and little chunks of meat which George and Lit Yen eventually deep-fried them. So tasty as well! Imagine all these to be shared among 8 persons and we were so damn full! I was extremely satisfied thou. Hehe~~


  1. Hi
    Can i know where to buy fresh salmon?

    1. Hi.. I got it from Hong Yong, at Pending, near the seafood centre.. :)
