Sunday 11 May 2014

Pies from John's Pie!

Pies from John's Pie are the good ones you could get in Kuching. John's Pie gain his fame really fast that they currently have 3 outlets - Padungan, Jalan Song and Swinburne. We were planning to have lunch at 五饼二鱼, but I ended up buying a pie from John's Pie cos I never try their pies before despite all the good compliments. I bought a Portugese egg tart and their Signature Beef Steak Pie. I brought my foods to 五饼二鱼 to enjoy my lunch their and of cos for SNAPSHOT! :D
So here's my Portugese Egg Tart. Hmm~ I personally think that the custard filling was not enough.
Signature Beef Steak Pie (RM5.50)
Inner Fillings. My personal opinion was that the filling was nice. Crust was a bit thick to me. It would be much better if the crust was thinner and crispier. Probably should request to serve my pie hot.
Will try out their other pies next time.

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