Saturday 10 May 2014

Chef at Home

People always say the Western food at Chef at Home is good, but my last visit did not give me any memories of great food. We did not know where to go for dinner that night and George suddenly suggested of going there. Did not take us long to decide on our foods as we wanna make it fast before more and more people flocked in. 
Mushroom Soup in Bun (RM12). Wasn't really fond of it during my last visit as it wasn't rich. However, the taste seemed to improve this time. Mushroom chunks bitten in the averagely creamy mushroom soup. We peeled some of the crispy-on-the-outside bun to go along with the soup while finishing on the way. Kinda filling. 
Warm Potato Salad (RM8). Boiled potatoes mixed with chicken bits. Unlike our usual salad, the potatoes were served warm. Quite ok. We were both quite full after taking the mushroom soup and this salad, but we had more to come. >.<
Cordon Bleu (RM18). Deepfried chicken breast stuffed with ham and cheese. Served along with coleslaw and mashed potatoes.
Look at the melting cheese! Delicious! This was really nice! Tender chicken breast in crispy breaded skin. The ham and cheese gave extra flavorings and the mushroom sauce made the dish even juicier! The mashed potatoes were awesome too! So rich, smooth and creamy!! 
Lemonade Grilled Chicken Breast (RM18). If you are looking for something healthier, this is one of the options. Big pieces of grilled chicken breast marinaded in lemonade, black pepper and salt. Nice. The chicken breast was juicy. Serving along with boiled potatoes and salad with balsamic vinegar (I just love salads with balsamic vinegar!).
Last but not least, we had this homemade dessert: Melting Moment (RM12). Melting cos when you sliced open the Chocolate Lava, hot chocolate would be melting out from it! Yummy!! To neutralize the sweetness, the vanilla ice cream played this very important role besides from blending in as a cooling agent. Hot and cold at the same time! One word to sum up: Fantastic!!

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