Friday 4 April 2014

Celebrating George's Birthday @ Koreana

It's George's birthday and I promised him a dinner. Without thinking hard, he requested to try out Koreana where he could have his Korean Grill experience. As in Korea, we were served with refillable side dishes in Koreana. 
Side Dishes - Kimchi (both cabbage and radish), clams, bean sprouts, braised lotus roots, seasoned vege and of cos fresh lettuce to go with the grill meats. I personally love the clams and lotus roots and kept requesting for more. Hehe~
Samgebsal BBQ (RM36-small). BBQ 3 layer pork!! George's favorite. LOL!
Grilling in process!
Almost done~~ Love it!
Duk Bok Gi (RM21). I still remember these rice cakes I had back during my Korea Trip. So spicy, chewy and steaming hot. Great dish to have on a cold day. The one we had in Koreana was not too bad, but the rice cake had some sort of taste which I think was not that fresh thou. Very filling dish.
Bulgogi (RM38 - small). Very nice beef pieces served! Went extremely great with rice. Yummy!!!
Really full and satisfying dinner!!
Surprised him with a small Red Velvet Cupcake from Lovey Dovey Cupcakes. Delicious. Very moist and ain't too sweet. The cream cheese frosting on top was just the right amount. Luckily it's just a small piece of cupcake. Too full~ Burppp~~

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