Monday 14 April 2014

Breakfast @ Jin Ming Cafe, Sekama

There are lots of coffee shops around Sekama area. Heard ppl talking abt this Jin Ming Cafe for some good foods, so we went about to search for the place and tried out. It was hidden away from the main road, near to Simon's Seafood if you know where it is or somewhere behind Fujisan if you are looking around from the main road. There were some choices like Laksa, Kolo Mee, Porridge, Malay Cuisines, Stir-Fried Foods and so on. 
Ngiao Chu Kueh (Silver needle noodles). Looks so tempting! Tasted quite nice too! I'd forgotten the price, but it was rather cheap.
Fried Noodles from the Stir-fried Stall. 
Toasted bread which we ordered together with the drinks. Not nice. Toasts were not crispy and the kaya butter filling was like tasteless and minimal.
Chicken Porridge. I wanted something light, so here's my order. Came in claypot, so damn hot! But I just like it HOT! Chicken slices were generous in amount too.

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