Saturday 29 March 2014

Lundu Makan-Makan

It's a free weekend, so we drove to Lundu to makan-makan. Not only to makan lunch, but also to makan angin. :D And so, after walking around the small Lundu town under the scorching hot sun, we searched for a makan spot. Ended up in a corner shop which we used to dine there before. So, from the tauke nio's recommendations and selection from us, these were what we had:
Butter Chicken. Well~ I must say it was good. Chicken stir-fried in sweet creamy butter and topped with some sesame seeds.
Mix Vege. One Chinese dish which seldom goes wrong.
Mountain pork 山猪 stir fried in soy sauce and ginger. This was nice too. The meat was tender and not too chewy or hard which is normally the case when people cook this kind of pork. A bit salty but went great with white rice. 
Great lunch enjoyed!! :) *thou not much of makan angin. :P

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