Sunday 23 March 2014

Hui Hui's Birthday @ Alfresco

I realized that I had been missing out blogging lots of birthday celebrations in year 2013. Better catch up before new ones come around. :P Back to the topic on Hui Hui's Birthday. Mudzz invited us to his gf's birthday party at Alfresco and ordered giant platters for us. All the grilled and deep-fried stuff:

Her coursemates bought her cupcakes! Nice!! 
Our share. Chocolate cupcake with panty. LOL!
 After we were done with dinner, Mudzz also pre-booked a karaoke room for more fun. Guess what. He surprised her with a Mickey Mouse cake!
Making birthday wishes again!
Staring at her cute cake. Haha!
Princess Hui Hui, Happy birthday!! :D
The couple~ So sweet~~
Aww~~ Had to cut the cake~
Final pic of us with the birthday gal!

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