Tuesday 25 March 2014

Emilia's Birthday @ Li Garden 梨苑酒家

After the great afternoon session with the gals, we had another celebration going on at night! It's Emilia's big day!! A great honor to be invited to Li Garden 梨苑酒家 for her birthday dinner. 

We were first served with their famous Peking Duck. The waitress was taking her sweet time slicing the duck skin in front of us. 
Flat breads to go along with the duck skin.
Cucumber slices to wrap together with.
Crispy! Can't wait to eat!
That's how we do it. Crispy duck roll! Wrap the duck skin, cucumber and topped with their special sweet sauce.
Marmite Pork if not mistaken
Sorry.. Forgotten what was this.
Sweet and Sour Fried Chicken
Japanese Tofu with Mushrooms and Floss
Butter Prawns in 2 versions. Sweet and creamy ones on the left (which I like it better) and fried ones on the right.
Leftover Duck Meat being minced and stir-fried to be wrapped in lettuces. Kinda wasted the duck meat I think as not much was left. Having it in roasted form is good enough.
Venison in Chili and Soy Sauce. The meat was very tender.
Mixed Vegetables.
Lastly, Honeydew Sago for dessert. Great!
All the foods served were quite up to expectations. Prices were reasonable as well. Hope to dine in again. :D

That's not the end of it, what is a birthday without the cutting cake, birthday wishing and photo-taking?
George and me with the birthday lady!
Sin Wee was so kind to take a couple shoot for us using her new Instacamera. Love this pic! Kept it in my purse~  (*≧∀≦*)
Here's the birthday gal!

Group photo with her Swinburne coursemates
With us!
Time to get the cake cut and have our 2nd dessert of the night! :P

❤ ♡ ❤ ♡ Love these pics!

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