Sunday 2 March 2014

CNY 2014

Wondering how I spent my horsey CNY this year? Well.. With all the reunion lunches and dinners, we were on-board to KL! It was an evening flight, so I had the time to do some visiting first. Upon reaching, of cos the first thg was to check-in to our hotel. Then, off we went for dinner!
Walking our way to the fully CNY-decorated Pavilion Mall

Lanterns, calligraphy, horses and all the prosperous things everywhere
 Hunting for dinner after photo-taking session! Intended to go to Ben's, but they went out of electricity, so we had to change our spot. Choosing here and there, finally decided to go to T.G.I Friday's Restaurant. It's a Saturday night and also a public holiday, so hell-yeah, it's packed. Managed to grab a seat quite fast and we took some time going through the menu.
BBQ Chicken Salad (RM27.90). 
Brownie Obsession (RM17.90). Yess!! Tasted as good as it looked!! But it's damn sweet, so better share this if you intended to order.
 Next, we went for another dessert. Snowflake!

Ocha Supreme (RM8.88). All my favorites were in there! Black Sesame Ice Cream on Matcha Ice with all the usual Snowflake's signature toppings.
It was about 10pm when we finished. Before heading back to our hotel, we tool a stroll around.
Snakes in front of H&M. Yew~~
Food vendors at Jalan Alor. Still so full and packed despite it's the first day of CNY. Tot that many would be close for business.

So, that's my 1st day of CNY!!

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