Friday 21 March 2014

Chinese Cuisine @ Flavours, Jalan Song

Being as a fan of curry, my mum suggested to dine at Flavours. We never step foot into the place as we thought it would be pricey, but referring to their menu, it seems reasonable. Without much hesitation, we went for our first try. They have menu with price stated, so no worries then.
Kailan Stir Fry with Oyster Sauce (RM12 - medium)
Nam Yee Spare Ribs (RM16 - small). Deep fried pork spare ribs marinated with Nam Yee 南乳. Not bad..
Curry Fish Head (RM40 - medium). This is their signature dish. Delicious!!
Double Boiled Herbal Lamb Cutlets (RM20 - small). 
Overall, I thk the food here was good and priced reasonably. :)

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