Monday 30 December 2013

Korea Trip Day 5

A good breakfast is important to start the day. We were taken to J&J Dragon for breakfast buffet.
We are big eaters!
Crowded restaurant
1st Destination: 韩国高丽人参公卖局
Promoting Korean's No.1 Product - Ginseng
Nice church across the street
2nd Destination: 冬虫夏草 (护肝宝专卖店)
3rd Destination: 精制美肤彩妆坊

We had been visiting these shops for the whole morning and headed for lunch after that. 
Very nice building next to the building where we had lunch.
This was for lunch! Ginseng Chicken Soup 人参炖鸡汤 with step-by-step eating method. The ginseng wine was added first, followed by the rice noodles. Done eating the noodles, then goes the chicken-stuffed-rice. Huge portion, but tasted so so for us.
Mango Ice Cream.. Slurps!
4th Destination: War Memorial Museum 战争纪念博物馆

All the war-crafts, water crafts etc.

Sunny winter!

Got this Banana Milk from the convenience store. Highly recommended by many. Quite nice, but felt like a lot of flavoring was used.
5th Destination: South Korea Presidential Hall 总统府青瓦台
Mountain in front of the Presidential Hall which brings good "feng shui".
Do I have the "president" look? Hehe..

6th Destination: Bukchon Hanok Village 北村韩屋村
The village is a traditional Korean village where some of the houses were modernized and have very advanced security facilities.

Posing at the alleys. :P
7th Destination: Dongdaemun Market 东大门市场
This was our last stop where we were allocated with 1.5hours of shopping time before heading for dinner. There were a couple of shopping malls around the area and we did a flash look around. There were nice and reasonably priced clothes especially high quality winter clothing. I regretted not getting a coat there. :((( Too bad we did not have a longer time there.
There were also street foods there. The foods were more or less similar at each stall.
Tteokbokki (3,000 KRW). Spicy Rice Cake which is very common in Korea. Nobody should miss trying this during a visit to Korea. I love it as it was spicy! and a little bit sweet. Very nice to enjoy during this cold night.
Dinner. Claypot Bibimbap 石锅拌饭 + Shabu Shabu 涮涮锅. I expected bibimbap to have runny egg on top. Looks different from what I usually had. 
Ice Cream again! This was very good!! Crunchy choco flakes with the chewy strawberry embedded inside the vanilla ice cream.
And I bought strawberries again as my supper from the grocery shop nearby. Yummy!!

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