Monday 16 December 2013

Korea Trip Day 2

Receiving morning call as early as 620am, we were ready to breakfast at 7am. 
Having buffet breakfast at the hotel. As Tameus Hotel has a big compound, including golfing facilities, we had to take a short ride to the hotel's restaurant for breakfast.
Delicious foods especially the marinated squids!
1st Destination: O'sulloc Tea Museum 绿茶博物馆
Outside of the musuem
Beautiful tea sets to consume your green tea with.

Drying the tea leaves.
Anyone want some tea??
Trying out the (left)Green Tea Yogurt Ice Cream (5,500 KRW) & (right)Green Tea Ice Cream (4,500 KRW) recommended by our tourist guide. So good!! Love the one without the yogurt. The green tea was so fragrant.
After a short visit in the museum, we walked our way across the road to visit the green tea plantations.
O'sulloc's signature big tea cup. 
Strong wind! Jeju Island is famous for strong wind. So it's either you get your hair really messed up or hair blown in the correct direction ↑.
2nd Destination: Jeju Orange Selling Place
This was where we were brought to. Could not read a word from it >.<

Jeju Hallabong Oranges. 
Were given some free samples. Nice orangy snacks. They have chocolates, rice bar etc.

Beautiful place
3rd Destination: Seongsan Ilchulbong 城山日出峰
Done with the oranges purchasing and given some sour tasting oranges by our tourist guide along our way, we finally got to Seongsan Ilchulbong 城山日出峰. This is a very touristy destination as it was formed from the sea due to volcanic eruption and it is one of UNESCO World Heritage. Besides, the place is really nice and people can do some climbing here to burn off some fats.
View of the peak from below
2nd Group photo - 城山日出峰

Posing with Dol Hareubang. These statues are to be seen everywhere in Jeju Island which are believed to offer protection against demons and fertility.
Chubby me~
Making a climb to the peak!
Nice place to capture some photos along our way up!
View of Jeju Island from the top. 
Finally reached the top! It was really tiring~ Only 4 of us made it to the peak which included me and my dad.
We rushed down in 10-15mins time as we were given time limit by our tourist guide, but being amused by the nice scene along the coast below, we took our sweet time taking pics there. =p~

The other 2 - mother and son who made it to the peak and here we were together at the shore

Me with the cute aunty there selling seafoods
4th Destination: Seopjikoji Church 涉支可地
Located not far from Seongsan Ilchulbong 城山日出峰, we were taken to Seopjikoji Church 涉支可地 which is the world's closest church to the beach. The place got really famous due to the drama "All-In". 

With our tourist guide.
Shredding grilled squids (5,000 KRW) on the spot.
A lot of squids~~
Drying squids 
Apart from oranges and seafood, Jeju is also very famous for its black pig. After visiting the scenic places, off we went for lunch!
In front of the restaurant. 
Our lunch!! Very very delicious Heukdwaeji-gui (Grilled pork from Jeju's native black pigs)! Should never miss this dish when you visit Jeju Island.
5th Destination: Seongeup Folk Village 城邑民俗村
After a satisfying lunch, Seongeup Folk Village 城邑民俗村was our next stop. This was also the place where the famous Korean drama "大长今" was shot. 
We were given thorough introduction about the place and their cultures and toured around the village by one of the villagers there.
Their Traditional Houses made with stones and mud
6th Destination: Jungang Underground Shopping Center
Spent just half an hour walking in this underground mall as we were not planning to do any shopping here.

7th Destination: Yongdusan 龙头岩
Despite the cold and windy evening, we made our way to Yongdusan 龙头. As it was really crowded and cold, we quickly took our shot of the stone which was claimed to grant your wishes. 
Street foods sold around the area. Looks delicious as we were hungry. :P
8th Destination: Mysterious Road 神秘道路
Mysterious Road also known as Dokkaebi Road is famous as it gives people an illusion that water flows uphill or car would move uphill even if it is powered off (moving against gravity). Due to the layout of the surrounding lands, a downhill area will appear to be uphill. As it was dark that time, we did not go down, but only experiencing in our bus with the engine turned off. 

Up next would definitely be our dinner!
Having Chinese Food for dinner. Still tasted a little bit Korean thou.. HEHE..
Got myself this very nice Honeydew Ice Cream (~1000 KRW) from the nearby convenience store, G25. Really good! Must try!

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