Monday 4 November 2013

Thailand Trip Day 6

Sadly, it was our final day of our Thailand Trip. Did not do much but just hunting for new breakfast options cos we had to catch a morning flight back.
Light breakfast in the hotel.
Apart from our favorite grilled pork, Kopi Peng, I had sth new! Waffle with corns inside.
 After checking in, I spotted Krispy Kreme again! Yoohoo... Nice!! Too bad it was not warm. But still, the doughnuts were soft.

Grabbed myself a cup of Green Tea Gelato from Blizzard! <3 I'm so into ice creams during my Thailand Trip.
Thailand~~ It's time to bid goodbye~ :'( Hope to see you soon!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jasmine,

    My name is Laura and I work in an online marketing agency in Kuala Lumpur. I recently created an infographic for Gaviscon which is one of our client.

    The infographic is about 7 tips to keep your tummy safe while travelling in South-East Asia, giving useful information to travellers about what and how to eat in order to avoid being annoyed by stomach issues during their journey.

    While looking for good blogs to share it on, I stumbled upon yours. I really like it! And as you are blogging about food and travels in several destinations in South-East Asia, I thought that this infographic may be interesting for your readers.

    If you are interested in sharing it on your blog, I can provide you with an introduction to the infographic. It will be unique content and written in good english.

    The only terms and conditions are to include in the article a link back to the source of the infographic, which is Gaviscon, and publish the article within 7 days.

    If you want to take a look at the infographic, please contact me on

    I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of my proposition.

    Best regards,

