Wednesday 13 November 2013

Porridge @ Seng Yuen Food Centre

Many people are not unaware of this place: Seng Yuen Food Centre. Having one of Kuching's famous Bak Kut Teh and also Kueh Chap, the place is always crowded for breakfast.
Surprisingly, the stall behind selling porridge has a variety of different type of porridges unavailable to find elsewhere so far.
Shark Meat Porridge (RM5.00) with Egg (RM1.00). Look at the generous of shark meat given. So good! And they have my favorite Salted Vege too! :D
Perfect egg!
Pork + Liver Porridge (RM3.50) and Egg (RM1.00). Yum yum!
Their squid + bacon porridge was wonderful too! I tried during my last visit, but forgotten to snapshot of it. Next time then! :)

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