Wednesday 20 November 2013

Dinner @ Twin Stars Food Garden, Stutong

Hello there.. Craving for porridge at night?? Head to Twin Stars Food Garden for sumptuous delicious meal.
So this is Twin Stars Food Garden. Situated at the shop lot behind Unaco. 
The porridge stall we ordered from.
Tadaa~~ Porridge for 3. Be prepared to wait when there's a big crowd.
Fish Porridge with Century Egg (RM8-9).
Chicken Porridge (RM5). The chicken was specially marinated with white wine. 
Pork Porridge with Eggs (~RM5). Why do I say eggs? Cos you will get century egg, chicken egg and salted egg inside. 
As for my personal preference, I like the fish porridge the most. Hehe.. But all tasted great!

Steamed Crystal Dumplings with Chives and Prawns (RM4.50 if not mistaken). I like this! This is from the 真功夫 Dim Sum Stall next to the porridge stall.

BBQ 3 Layer Pork (RM5). Very nice too!
Lamb Satay (RM1.50 each). This is the same as what you get at 101 Food Court and they serves lamb shank only on weekends. 

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