Saturday 24 August 2013

What's to offer for breakfast @ Lao Ya Keng, Carpenter Street

I guess nobody in Kuching is unaware of Lao Ya Keng's food. So, without lengthy description, I shall just move to the food available for breakfast! There are Kueh Chap, Kolo Mee and Laksa. Of cos, I couldn't have that much at a time, so I shall just introduce you the famous Laksa. The Laksa stall here is famous for the mixed ingredients unlikely to be found in other Laksa operators. Instead of just sliced chicken, prawns, omelettes and bean sprouts, they serve chicken gizzards and clams too. 
Laksa (RM5.00). Special ones can go up to RM8++. =.=
Lek Tau Suan / Green Bean Porridge (RM2.30 for takeaway).  Nice!! This is also very famous in Kuching. Operating for decades just opposite the Lao Ya Keng. 

1 comment:

  1. i think i want to go to Kuching for vacation.. got so many good food.
