Tuesday 13 August 2013

Mooncakes from Hilton KL

2 weeks ago, I attended a function in Hilton KL and came across the eye-catching mooncakes sold at the lobby. Although the Mooncake Festival is more than a month from now, they already start promoting their chef's specialty, which are the Snow Skin Series (RM20 each).
Flower Drum 喜庆紫花鼓 - Snow skin lotus paste with soft custard egg yolk. 
Blue Moon 冰皮蓝莓芝士玉环 - Snow skin Amaretto lotus paste with blueberry cheese Feuillantine. Rather special as blueberry cheese was embedded within the lotus paste.

Yellow Moon 月亮代表我的心 - Snow skin Violet flower essence & chocolate center with brandy flavored lotus paste. You can sense a mild chocolate taste at each bite with a bit of brandy flavor. 
Baked Pandan with Single Yolk 单黄翡翠 (RM20). Very fragrant pandan paste. Mooncakes just couldn't go wrong with yolks. :D
There are other choices available, priced differently at RM18 or RM20 (excluding 6% government tax). Every purchase of 4 mooncakes came with a beautiful box and it was great for us, travelers, to take home. One problem with the Snow Series Mooncakes is that it must be kept cool. Luckily our journey home was just abt 3-4 hours from hotel.

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