Friday 16 August 2013

Ah Liong Cafe, BDC

Heard that the Foochow specialties, Chinese dumplings and porridge in Ah Liong, BDC are good. We never been there and it took us some time to locate it as there are quite some numbers of coffee shops around. It is located at the shoplot behind, facing the PTPL College. Being a first-timer to the place, the 1st thg I do was definitely walking around the see what are sold. Wanted to have porridge, but disappointingly, they were already packing their stuffs. :(

So, I came up with these:
ABC (RM1.80 if not mistaken) - claimed to come from the Jubilee Ground Hawker Centre. Tasted quite ok la..
BBQ Pork (Cha Sao)  and Crispy 3 Layer Pork (RM5). Nice!! The skin was really crispy and the BBQ Pork was deliciously prepared and covered with the sweet BBQ sauce.
Pan-Fried Dumplings (RM6.00). The skin beneath was nicely pan-fried, not overcooked but able to maintain the crispiness. Comes in 10 pieces of 2 different fillings - Chinese chives 韭菜 and Jicama/Yam Bean 豆薯 (or we call it MangKuang). :D
Best of all was that it wasn't too oily. Enjoyed it with the given sauce of mix vinegar, soy sauce and ginger. 

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