Monday 8 July 2013

Taipei Day 4

It's my 4th day in Taipei and kicking start my day with a filling breakfast!

 YehLiu Geopark 野柳地质公园 
Bus: Taipei Main Station ⟶ YehLiu Geopark
At Taipei Main Station, look for Exit M5 to get to Taipei West Bus Station Terminal A
② Approach the lane that will take you to Yeh Liu (Bus No. 1815). 
It's better to inform the bus driver where you are heading so that he will alert you when you reached the destination. 
Price: (not sure~)
Duration: ~1 hour
Ticket Price: NT50 (adult)
Time spent to visit: ~1 hour

Somewhere near where we got down from bus. Go into the road at this sign and just head straight down to get to the Geopark. 

Yeh Liu Geopark 野柳地质公园. Took us about 10 mins walk to get here.
Got our tickets!
Scenic views and rock formations all around

Statue of Lin Tian Zhen
The famous Queen's Head! We eventually had to queue up just to take a pic with it. Imagine lining up in a scorching hot day! Gosh! Anyway, I still think it's worth the wait. :)

Cartoon characters
Queen's Head II (Artificially made as they fear that the neck of original Queen's Head might break off one day due to erosion)
Cute Princess
The Leopard
After a long hour of sun exposure, it's time to seek for some shades. Exiting the YehLiu Geopark, you will enter the Dried Seafood Market.
A lot of dried seafoods in which you can taste before you make your purchase.
Got ourselves a drink once entering the Market.
 JiuFen 九份 
Bus: YehLiu Geopark JiuFen 
① Get back to where the bus driver dropped you and head over to the convenience store at the opposite road.
② Take Bus #798 to Keelung Railway Station.
③ At Keelung Railway Station, go to the last stop, cross opposite using the overhead bridge, take Bus #788 to JiuFen 九份.
It's better to inform the bus driver where you are heading so that he will alert you when you reached the destination. 
Price: NT30 each trip (NT60 total)
Duration: ~1 1/2 hour

A cruise from Malaysia spotted when we reached Keelung Railway Station.
Bus #788 from Keelung to JiuFen
JiuFen District!

Our food hunting journey begins!
Haha.. Sleepy?

Long queue for the Ah Gan Yi Yu Yuan 阿柑姨芋圆. We did not try out this one as we came across Lai Ah Po Yu Yuan (赖阿婆芋圆) first. Regretted :(
赖阿婆芋圆 NT40

花生捲冰淇淋 (NT35). A perfect summer treat! I love this, but unfortunately I could only get this in Kuching during Kuching fest only. :'(
 Taipei Railway Station / Taipei Main Station
Bus + Train: JiuFen ⟶ Taipei Railway Station
① Exiting the JiuFen Old Street, seek for guidance from locals to get to the bus stop to take Bus #788 back to Rueifang Station 瑞芳車站.
At Rueifang Train Station, board the train to Taipei Main Station. 
Seek guidance from the customer service officer there to avoid taking the wrong train.
Price: (not sure~)
Duration: ~1 hour

Rueifang Station 瑞芳車站 Underpass

OOTN!! Ready for more shopping! :D
Dinner from Sushi-Takeout (NT135)
Yakiniku beef burger (NT65).Trying out the famous MOS Burger. But I ordered the wrong thing. Instead of bun, I was given rice. Gosh! I was shocked when I received my order. I eventually found out that I ordered the "pearl" bun, which means rice. >.< So silly~ But the grilled stripped beef was really nice and a lot. It would be great if it was BUN. Sorry about the blur pic.
TADA~~ More more more~ Hehe..

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