Friday 19 July 2013

Rock Road Seafood Restaurant

Rock Road Seafood Restaurant is one of the Chinese Restaurants which I would keep going to. As usual, we took our orders at the ground floor and seated at the first floor. 

Served with these preserved cabbages as appetizers before our main course. 
Thai-style bidin. Instead of having the usual Stir-fried Bidin with Belacan, we went for this. Nice. J
Roasted Duck with Mantou. This is one dish that I find it very nice in Rock Road recently. Every bite of it gives the crunchiness of the duck skin with juicy and flavorful duck meat. The soft mantou served was also very nice. Not many places served good Roasted Duck. Heard that Li Garden is good, but I never try before. 
Aha.. This is a must in every visit. :P The Famous Crab in Hainanese Style (Satay Sauce).
The deep-fried mantou which were served together with the crab went along very well with the “Satay” Sauce of the crab.
Another highly-recommended dish by me! Haha! The Seafood Tart. Yum Yum!

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