Sunday 5 May 2013

Penang Food Hunt #37 @ Delicious, Straits Quay

Here we were again at Straits Quay's Delicious for some nice desserts! These were our orders for the night- Berrilicious Chocolate Pavlova and Chilled Pineapple Cheesecake!
Chilled Pineapple Cheesecake with Raspberry Mousse (RM14.90). Wondering where's the raspberry mousse?? Check out the next picture.
Sweet with a slightly sourish Raspberry Mousse flowing out from the cheesecake. The cheesecake was really smooth and the fruity pineapple on top makes the cheesecake even great!

Berrilicious Chocolate Pavlova (RM13.90). Why is it called berrilicious? Cos there were lots of strawberries on the meringue-based dessert, having a crisp crust and soft mashmallows inside!

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