Thursday 23 May 2013

Jogoya Buffet Restaurant, Starhill Gallery

I'm finally step foot into Jogoya!! YES!! Warm greetings by Jogoya's friendly staffs, I couldn't wait to rush into the place and tuck into some good food! Before getting some food, it's wise to walk around and decide what to have as they really have a WIDE variety of food choices!
Japanese food corner. Lots of fresh sashimi, appetizers as well and fresh seafood to be taken RAWWW~~
SASHIMIsss~~ Too bad I couldn't get hold of nice pics of the Salmon cuts as it was the most popular dish among all.
Raw Seafood kept chilled on ice at all times to maintain the freshness
Western food anyone?? Just place your clip with your table number in the glass bowl, then your selected dish would be sent to you shortly.
Ingredients for HOT POT
If not mistaken, this should be for VIP members only. Then next to the counter which appeared behind in my pic was some choices of Chinese Cuisine such as Singaporean Chili Crab etc.
Dim Sum corner and also some herbal soups.
Unlimited scoops of Haagen-Dazs people!! There's also New Zealand Natural Ice Cream in which you could have it served with waffles as well, but hey, sorry, I'm going for HAAGEN-DAZS!
Really great choices of awesome cakes and pastries!
There were a couple of stations which I did not take pictures of like the Deep-fried section, a section with all the cheezy stuffs and the drinks area.
Heating pot available on every table for your hot pot! Well~ We did not use this as we were thinking that those steamboat stuffs and soup will make us full fast.
So, what did I have??!
Fresh Oyster, Salmon, Butterfish etc.
Seafood - Big Crab Leg, Abalone Slices, Scallops etc.
Big Prawn, Raw Squid, Octopus etc.
All the Cheezy stuffs! Unagi, Blue Mussel, Potato and Scallop baked in cheese-mayo!!!
Shark Fin Soup
Japanese Seaweed Salad / Hiyashi Wakame 
Buddha Jumps Over the Wall Soup 佛跳墙
Shark Fins
More Sashimis and Butterfish for me!
Big, fat and juicy bamboo clams with black pepper sauce
Grilled codfish
Some veges, eels from the Teppanyaki station!
More grilled codfish!
Another plate of SALMONS *thumbs up*
I just love potatoes!!
Just managed to try a couple of the tempting-looking cakes.
Tiramisu. Oh man! The desserts were so good!
Finally, HAAGEN-DAZS came last! A meal in Jogoya would not be complete without this!
I had a total of 8 scoops of Haagen-Dazs ice cream despite that I already had so much food. 
See the "tamjiak" me with my Salmon. LOL!
Posing outside the restaurant after our dinner :D
Obviously I did not try all the food in Jogoya like the Chili Crab, the steamed codfish which I did not spot it, the Hot Pot, Dim Sum, Thai Coconut Drink and many many more. I will definitely come back again!! At the price of RM88++ per pax, the dining experience here is definitely worth the value, taking into the choices available, the delicious and fresh dishes served and the good services provided. :)


  1. Jasmine,...

    Wow, you really a big eater. Having buffet with you must be very fun.

    Looking at the Haagen-dazs and sashimi, i already tempted to go again. I love both of these.


  2. Hi Wong,

    Yeap! I love food! :D

    Haha! I'm also craving for those now. >.<
