Sunday 10 March 2013

UK Fun Fair 2013

We always get to see fun fairs in Kuching all the time. This UK Fun Fair is organized every year, so the games inside are more or less the same. Located at Petra Jaya area and near to Sukma Ria. You get to see the "eye of Kuching" on your way from Kuching to Damai road. 

Before we head for some adventures, we had dinner first at Matang for awesome BBQ chicken wings and chicken butts. The cafe we used to have the chicken wings was not open and so, we had our dinner at the cafe next door. We should be considered as lucky as the BBQ stall was open! 
In this new cafe, which I forgotten its name, they have BBQ chicken wings as well, but we just take from our usual order. 
Teh Tarik Peng (RM2.50). Very nice!
Deep-fried Banana Fritters - Large (RM5.00). Nice too! It's not the crispy type thou. It's added with milk. Yum yum! Actually we ordered Banana Cheese (RM6 for large), but the cheese went out of stock, so we had it without cheese. They also have banana fritters served with butter or chocolate cheese.
BBQ Chicken Wings (RM2.50/wing). Sweet and spicy! Well-marinated. Just two thg - the wings are small and sometimes over-grilled (Look at the black charcoal). But if you are looking for nice and tasty BBQ chicken wings, visit here! Better than the famous Hanz Chicken Wings.
BBQ Chicken Butts (RM1/stick). Marinated with the same sauce as the wings, but not that rich.
If you are looking for this place, it should be located along Jalan Semarak. I did not notice the name of the shop. Next time then!

OK! Off for fun fair! The entrance fee into the fun fair is RM2/person. Then every game inside requires tokens in which each token costed RM2.

Bumper Car (3 tokens/car). Went for something less extreme first. :D
While waiting for our turn
Just before we start "bumping".
Left: Eileen & Sin Wee
Right: George & me
The thrill of the game is to knock other people's car, especially when you are playing with a whole gang of friends. Sitting at the passenger seat, I almost got bumped out of the car when knock against one another head-to-head. :|
From top left to bottom right: Sin Wee & Eileen; Emilia & me; Sin Wee & Emilia; Darren & Sin Wee; George & me.
Our next game! Like this the most! Hehe.. 3 tokens per person. Just get yourself spinned, shaked and bumped throughout the song. And if you are lucky, you get to see a performer dancing in the middle. 

Something similar to Octopus (3 tokens/person). Faster spins and of cos, more dizzy!
The boys. Before the spin!
Are you ready??
End of the Ride! Cheezzze~~
All of us after the ride! Anyone feeling dizzy?? :D Ahh! All smiling happily. Must be pretending. =P

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