Friday 29 March 2013

Penang Food Hunt #10 @ Kheng Pin Cafe, Penang Road

In just a few minutes walk from Cititel Hotel, Kheng Pin Cafe is one famous spot for breakfast among local Penangites and also tourists. There are lots of local hawker dishes sold and according to many, they have one of the nicest Penang Loh Bak. Loh Bak which is also known as Ngo Hiang, contains minced meat wrapped in beancurd skin and deep-fried in hot boiling oil. Without any hesitation, we headed straight to the cafe. 

Frying Process
A mix of everything - Loh Bak, Prawn Fitters, Fried Squids, Fried Chicken and Fried TauFu.
The sticky and starchy black sauce to dip in.
*We also noticed that the Chicken Rice Stall had very good business. The chicken meat looked so juicy and tender.

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