Wednesday 20 February 2013

Ben's Farewell

The one week CNY holiday was over. Everyone is returning to their original states and most of my friends are going back to study. The first to leave was Ben. We initially just went to Joe's house and Ben suddenly called to inform he's leaving the next day and us for a farewell. 
A group pic at Joe's place with blurry Mek Mek in the pic. Poor Mek Mek was chased and frightened by the 21-years old childish Ben until she peed.
After thinking long and hard on the farewell venue, William suggested to go to Magenta. Despite the fact that I already had so much CNY snacks at Joe's place, the greedy me still ordered a Chicken Moscow. Unfortunately, that dish had finished and so, I switched to Fettuccine Lamb Shank. We also had Turkey Ham Bruschetta to be shared among us.

Yummy Turkey Ham Bruschetta! Garlic Bread topped with tomato and "fattening" cheese with one-eighths of egg rolled in savory and tasty turkey ham. It was kinda salty, but overall, I think it was a great dish. The Bruschetta in The Junk was claimed to be very good. Gonna try that if I happen to go. :D

Fish and Chips (RM26). I only had a bite of this, so couldn't give any comments. Besides, deep-fried stuffs are not my favorite.
Fettuccine Lamb Shank (RM36). Although considered rather expensive for a pasta, the fettuccine was cooked with lots of lamb shank meat. I supposed the whole lamb shank was added. I did not manage to finish the whole dish. The meat was more than the fettuccine. I gave some to Ben and George eventually finished the rest. I love the lamb shank. Nice and tender!! Yummy!
~ ~Spaghetti (RM36). Forgotten the name of this dish as it was really long. Looks like a seafood aglio-olio to me. As for the real taste, it was a fusion of western and local as the spaghetti was sauteed with salted fish. 
Braised Lamb Shank (RM36). Initially intended to order this when Chicken Moscow was not available. I tried this before and it was good. Love the mashed potatoes.
As directed by William, we tried to "show off" our long legs. HAHA!! 

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