Monday 18 February 2013


10th February 2012 marks the new year in the lunar calender. After the dragon year, it's the year of the Ssssnake~~ Did not do much on the first day. Went visiting and stayed at my granny's place most of the time. 
My first day look! No "ang ang" (hokkien word for red) this year. It's a belief of the Chinese to wear red on the first day of Chinese New Year as red is auspicious and brings luck.
My denim attire on the second day of Chinese New Year. :DTrying to pose as a model. HAHA!!
Met up with friends and went visiting! :) All looking so lady with their pretty dresses. 
We went to a friend's house where they invited the lion dance team to perform. There were 8 lions, all colored differently! The biggest lion dance performance I had ever seen.

With all the galsss.
With George (left) and Ben (right). LOVE this pic! We were all in blue~~ 
William was showing his "papa" potential. LOL! 
Everyone was snatching the cute little baby to take photo with! Model of the day ye~~
Besides all those tasty cakes and cookies served during CNY, we also got to have this unexpected delicious homecook Laksa! Yummy! 
Some more pics!
 Here ends my 2nd day of CNY and there goes my 3rd day!
My look of the day!
With the pretties!
4th DAY!
With them again! HAHA!
Do I look different in these photos?? :D They were taken on the 5th, 6th and 7th day of CNY respectively.
CNY is all about visiting, eating (which I enjoyed the most and obviously, I gained weight) and gathering.

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