Monday 25 February 2013

2 birthdays in a go!

Celebrated 2 birthdays in one night! First was Stanley's. We were served with nice food like duck, sweet and sour fish, roasted chicken, mixed vege and so on. Wondering which restaurant's food was that~~ After dinner, there went the birthday song singing, candles blowing and cake cutting sessions. 
With his parents
Blow blow blow
The birthday cake might look simple, but it was a very good mixed fruits cake. According to his parents, it was made by a friend. Sad :( I guessed I won't have the chance to have any of that anymore. Had real lots of cakes. Tummy full of cakes! Slurpsss~~

Before we head to Aeroport to give Randall a surprise birthday celebration, had fun playing Wii at Stanley's place. How I wish I have one at home. According to my friends, the food served in Aeroport was big in portion and tasted quite good with a reasonable rate. Must try out one day! :) 

Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday to Randall~
Happy birthday to you!

Big group photo

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