Saturday 8 December 2012

A night at Sakae Sushi

Before I start blogging, please accept my apology for these low resolution photos. I had forgotten to bring my camera out, so I just used my iPhone cam. This was my first attempt to try out Sakae Sushi. A new store was just set up in the Spring, Kuching. I do not have the chance to set foot into the one in Kuching yet, so I might as well just try it in Penang. :)
Never fail to have salmon when I go for Japanese cuisine. :D I want more!!
We ordered a set meal which comes in Chawan Mushi, Miso Soup, Chicken and Salmon Teriyaki. Yummy!
Unagi Sushi just for mum. 
Chicken Teriyaki Soba and Tempura Set. 

1 comment:

  1. Yo. Im going to try this place out tmr 11am to noonish. You want in?

    It looks like a very specialised place for a cuppa. But then never try never know.
