Saturday 3 November 2012

Hot dinner and supper

Isn't it nice to have a hot bowl of soup to warm up your stomach? :D This was the Fish Bee Hoon Soup (RM5.00) I had at Golden Lake Cafe, which is located opposite PISA. It's very near to my living area, but I had never been there until my housemates took me there for dinner. =P Well.. Nothing to shout about this meal. Very light. Just nice for me since I had heavy meals recently.
A light dinner is never enough. SUPPER'S NEXT!! I followed my housemates to Butterworth. We went shopping at Juro Autocity. There's lots of stall there especially nice clothes~~ Tempted to buy.. Haiz.. Then, we head to this dessert corner called 糖伯府, which is named after the famous romantic scholar in South China, 唐伯虎. Although the names are not interrelated, but it is very creative and most important of all, eye-catching!
The signboard
Nicely-decorated shop
Red Bean Soup with Different Flavors of Mochi (RM6.90). There were lots of desserts to select from, but I went for this. Hot red bean soup would be nice to have plus I could try various flavors of mochis. Cool. There were peanut, green bean, normal ones. Like the mochis. As for the red bean soup, I personally think that it's a bit too sweet and I prefer to have some solid biting of the red beans instead of totally ground ones. And, don't think that the portion is small. You would be very fulllll after taking the whole bowl.

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