Tuesday 13 November 2012

Group Hangout!

This was the first time I hang out with the whole bunch of the our program gang. It's unusual for the whole group to go out for some activities as quite a number of them were from KL. So, just right after training, we went for a dinner at Bangkok Tomyam which serves Thai food. It's not far from my place, quite near to the airport.

Some candid photos of my friends before our meal started.

As the organizers had made early arrangement with the restaurant, so foods were served fast despite that there's around 20 of us.

Rice for 4. I think we only managed to finish half. Haha.
Kerabu mango. Nice! Sweet, slightly sour and the nuts accompanying gave the crunchy bites. 
Tom Yam Campur. It tasted quite good. As usual, Tom Yam soup is always very appetizing. However, the portion was quite small.
Kailan Ikan Masin. This was good too. A plentiful of ikan masin or salted fish was added to give the kailan vege the extra bit of taste.
Ayam gajus. A unique dish I never try before. The chicken meat was cooked in sweet sauce and cashew nuts came along as a snack. Dried chillis were added to spice up the dish, which still leaves the sweetness of the dish uncovered. Nice as well. :D
Steamed fish. Love this. It's been some time I did not have fresh steamed fish.
3 Rasa Ikan. The fish was fried in their special sauce, which is called 3-flavors sauce. It was sweet, slightly sour and spicy. Would still prefer the steamed fish. I personally think that fresh fish are best consumed in steamed style! 
Fried Squid. Tasted just ok. It's better if it's crunchy. Munch! Munch! Hehe. I'm craving for the best fried and crispy squid at Bako, Kuching now~~ Hmm.. Back to this dish. If I'm not mistaken, I think the squids were lightly marinated in curry flavoring, but just a mild one. This made it slightly different from normal fried squids I guessed.
After a fulfilling dinner, it's time to burn some calories! We went to Sunshine Square for bowling. We were already grouped earlier on. Mine was the Orange Team! I did not have any orange accessories to put on anyway.

The bowling arena.

The counter where we pay for the games and shoes.
My rented bowling shoes~~

Everybody's getting warmed up for the game.
Tada! I'm ready! My first bowling attempt!
A team photo before the game starts. Another member was not there yet.
End of the game! Time for group photo! :)

It was definitely a fun but tiring night. Had a good sleep after that.. (:|

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